

How to lose body fat while growing glutes…

Yes, this is absolutely possible! But let’s be extra clear that the process of leaning out also makes the “growth” of your glutes seem that much more significant.

Almost every female client I have, and many of the men wonder why they aren’t seeing glute results they want. Usually the problems I see with their current practices are:

–       Not enough FUEL (food)

–       Improper or lack of ACTIVATION

Newsflash – – BOTH of these are things you can fix! But how??

  • Food intake needs to be sufficient for muscle growth but still intentional. Adding calculated and weighed whole foods in a trackable macro split. And keep in mind that nothing happens overnight.
  • Practice each glute-focused movement using different foot positions, knee angles, and hip angles. Increase your load, increase time under tension, and change your tempo – until you feel your target area firing.
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