
My team doesn’t CHEAT; we REFEED.

The truth is that for MOST people, the habit of “cheat meals” stops you from succeeding in your fitness journey. Period.

The scientific truth:  You can eat clean and on plan all week long and then completely put yourself back in a hole by cheating on the weekends.  At the very least, you’re not progressing as you COULD be, and the more you teeter totter from clean to dirty, the more you biologically confuse your body regarding what it’s “normal” is, and without a true normal, the body doesn’t benefit from a deficit well OR a growth period.

The psychological truth: I don’t know an instance in the English language when the use of the word “cheat” is a good thing. A “cheat” in your nutrition plan implies that you’re taking a short cut or doing the wrong thing. It also implies – and this is even worse – that you “deserve” a break from your nutrition plan. LISTEN, as long as you’re eagerly searching for the next break in your nutrition plan, the longer you aren’t EMBRACING and LOVING your nutrition plan. Don’t think that makes a difference?? It damn sure does…

When I decided I wanted to compete – and before that, to completely revamp my nutrition plan to change my body comp and add more muscle – there were several foods I didn’t “LIKE” that were suddenly on my nutrition plans. So I had the choice to either be disgruntled and roll my eyes with every bite, psychologically hating every second, OR convince myself that I LOVED ANY FOOD THAT GOT ME CLOSER TO MY GOALS. ANY FOOD!!!  Guess which one kept my mind on lock and consequently made every aspect of my fitness journey that much smoother?! Yep, the second one.

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