People know this, yet it is shocking how many clients come to me that want to grow muscle but are afraid to eat!
As always, there are exceptions to every rule, but as a general rule of thumb, if you are focused on growth and not major body fat loss, you can’t get there without ample intake. And it’s not going to happen overnight.
That means that you aren’t going to see significant muscle gains in a month of higher caloric intake. You likely won’t’ see significant muscle mass changes in even three months, BUT your body comp begins to change as you put in the work in the gym, and you absolutely do see changes in your physique and aesthetics overall.
Every body and every client is different! Typically, I recommend that a client stays in a growth phase for 6-12 months if they truly want to see notable changes in muscle mass. Other factors that need to be tracked and considered is proper digestion, ample sleep, your overall macro split and its adjustment over time, and your body fat percentage. I DO NOT believe in dirty bulks – if we can’t stay sexy doing the add, I’m out! 😉 Lean add all day!